An international project "SPACES of POTENTIAL" is in the implementation phase. Residents of Volgograd have presented 22 projects for the improvement of potentially interesting urban spots. 16 locations were systemized in the geo-informational network to develop spatial-cultural connections of the city. 8 experts from 4 countries were evaluating places by 3 categories: intermediate space, individual locations, big territories. See the network and descriptions of spaces proposed by citizens below.
"KEKA - space and culture" in collaboration with Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education have started multidisciplinary cross-cultural research about human perception of such definitions as "home", "house" and "comfortable space".
More than 130 recipients from 3 countries participated in a pilot study. Results are presented at the international conference WMCAUS in Prague.
Our paper has been published as a part of "Budapest 100" - the festival of urban culture and open buildings in the heart of Hungarian capital. In the interview with Volgograd based designers and university associated professors Alexander Shvets and Vera Samokhina, we are discussing the spatial aspects of architectural composition, particularly represented in the teaching practices of such schools as BAUHAUS (Germany) and VKHUTEMAS (Soviet Union) and their evolution in the contemporary architectural education. The article is written in celebration of the 100 years anniversary of Bauhaus.