Send: 5 photos + an idea for the place development.
Get: valuable prizes and the opportunity to realize your vision of Volgograd's future!
The urban environment of Volgograd is extremely contrasting. A paradoxical combination of historical town-planning ensembles and modern landscaped territories is located in close proximity to abandoned buildings and industrial zones, a kind of white spots in people’s life and on the city map. This situation provides ample opportunities for analysis and rethinking of such urban spaces, many of which have become an integral part of the everyday life for Volgograd residents, but remain unused and unnoticed. These spaces of potential live with us, accompany us, crave attention and transformation. But are we, citizens, ready to interact?
In world practice, there are two approaches to urban and architectural planning. The Top-down approach assumes strategic planning and solution of all problems exclusively at the level of the authorities. In this case, the townspeople have no choice but to follow the accepted system requirements, without any possibility of independent participation in the fate of the city. The Bottom-up approach assumes active intervention of citizens in the transformation of the city and the architectural environment, promotion of their own local initiatives, and communication with the authorities, business, and all stakeholders, in order to implement positive changes with their own hands, here and now, and yet according to the strategic urban development plan.
Look around. How many spaces of potential do you personally encount while walking through a neighborhood or driving through a city every day? At first glance, their transformation may seem unrealistic, too large-scale, or meaningless. However, when there is basic knowledge and a willingness to act, when ideas are supported by a team of associates and professionals from various fields, even the most difficult tasks are realized.
This competition is one of those small but complex steps that each of us can take to develop Volgograd. Your opinion will be heard, your spaces of potential will be seen. Volgograd will be developed by our own hands!
Registration starts
15 MARCH 2021
Deadline for questions
7 MAY 2021
Publication of answers
10 MAY 2021
Deadline for registration
28 MAY 2021, 23.59 MSC
Deadline for submission
01 JUNE 2021, 23.59 MSC
Announcement of results
JULY 2021
Awards ceremony and exhibition
The following categories of citizens are invited to participate:
• students of the faculties of architecture, design and arts,
environmental psychology, sociology, urban management;
• practicing architects, designers, urbanists, planners, project
• artists and painters;
• urban and social activists.
Potential participants who do not refer themselves to any of the above-mentioned categories can also take part in the competition by indicating their field of activity in the “Other” column in the registration form. The age of participants at the time of submission of materials should not be younger than 14 years old.
Participation in the competition is free of charge. Online registration required. Detailed competition materials are sent only to registered participants. Information about the competition is published on the website,
as well as on social networks of the Organizer and Partners.

Sasha Karpova
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Curator, journalist, critic
Founder of the communication agency NAKED CARP

Balint Kadar
Budapest, Hungary
President of the Center for Contemporary Architecture
Professor at the University of Technology and Economics

Ina Ivanceanu
Vienna, Austria
Film director
Co-founder of the OIKODROM Institute for Sustainable Development